Type of Pet:
Pet Gender:
Date Animal Was Lost/Found:
Description of Animal:
her name is babygirl she is sharpe and husky mix she’s 3 years old all tan and her eyes match her fur she’s short coat she sheds like crazy and she has 2 moles on her face one on each cheek and one under her chin she also had alittle white patch of fur on her the tip of her chin she also she had alittle but of white at the tip of her tail and she had a curly tail but it goes straight also and she has alittle scar on her belly and one on one of her front legs right by the elbow on the inside and also has a alittle scar on the topside front left paw also her nose is pink not black . And I ask if you seen her or haven’t could you share around and see if anyone has please my phone number is +17152097220
Location animal was found/went missing:
North Hudson idk exactly where because the people watching her dumped her and didn’t say anything to us..
Contact Information:
(715) 209-7220